There are many women athletes out there but there are not as many women pro teams as men. Women also do not get paid as much as men do to play sports. This is a major topic in women's sports right now especially with the women's national soccer team. When it has come to women's rights in the sports world it has always been a hot topic. I first remember hearing about women not getting as many scholarships or not as much scholarship money as the male college athletes. Now there are rules in place that for every male athlete scholarship there is a women's one as well. Which I believe is important because women deserve the same things men do. So back to the US women's soccer team, they have been fighting for equal pay and it looks as if they are finally going to get it (yay!). I love what this is doing for women's sports because the players in the Women's national basketball association are also fighting for higher pay. Its the part where the word fighting comes in is wrong. Female pro-athletes should not have to fight for equal pay to pro-male athletes. Hopefully, the athletes can set the bar straight and this will change things for the future and spill over to corporate America where women deserve equal pay.

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